Thursday 26 May 2016

5 Major Tips to clean Fake Flowers

Do you want to give a unique look to the interiors of your house and enhance the aesthetic value of your property? Then it will certainly be wise for you to check out the beautiful fake flowers Melbourne supplied by Pots n Pots to its valuable customers. Even though this flower is artificial but the way by which it has been designed certainly gives it a real look. Below are discussed some of the unique cleaning tips by which it will be easier for you to maintain the wonderful look of fake flowers for quite a long number of years.

1.       Lightly dust the flowers using a feather duster
It will certainly be wise to use a feather duster in order to remove the layer of dust on the flowers in a convenient way. Make sure to dust lightly in order to regain the refreshing look of the artificial flowers.

2.       Blast away lots of dust using a blower
Blower is also wonderful equipment using which you will be able to remove heavy dust from the artificial flowers in a convenient way. Besides this, you can also use a vacuum cleaner that will efficiently absorb the dust from the flowers.

3.       Spray compressed air
Get a can of compressed air to remove the stubborn dust from artificial flowers in a smart way. Before using compressed air, it will be wise to analyze whether artificial flowers can withstand such a huge blast of air. You can also use this equipment to clean Tiffany lamps Melbourne in a convenient way.

4.       Keep fake flowers in a bag of salt and shake it gently
Make sure to keep artificial flowers in a bag of salt and shake it gently. This will loosen dust from the body of flowers without damaging it.

5.       Clean the flowers with soap and water
Make sure to use a gentle soap to clean the artificial flowers in a safe manner.

Get the uniquely designed fake flowers and Tiffany lamps Melbourne from Pots n Pots and thereby enhance the interiors of your house.

Monday 9 May 2016

Decorating Ideas For Your Home With Tiffany Lamp

Antique home décor is the most stunning thing that you can do to your home décor. It is the sophisticated décor and soft glow of light that can make a home feel warm and welcoming. Adding some opulent antiques, tiffany lamps and rich colours can surely add the nostalgic feeling. It is the decor that creates the appeal for a home. Extravagant umbrella shaped lampshades that are famously known as Tiffany lamps are the most authentic touch of sophistication as well as class in your home decor.

So, when you are planning to take your room to the past era there are some things that you need to add in your home decor. What are they? Take a look.

Lamp Arrangements

It is always important to create a focal point in the home decor. So, when you are planning the antique decor of your home think about creating a focal point. If it was a modern room, I would have suggested a heavily decorated mirror. However, when you are opting for a classy past era decor I would suggest you to add a tiffany lamp. One lamp with intricate detailing can be extremely helpful to glam up the home decor as well as becoming a focal point. If your room size is bigger you can surely add group lamps in the home decor. Make sure that you don’t make your room look clumsy and crowded. Adding Tiffany lamp in Melbourne home decor is quite a notable style.

Wall Finish and Furniture

When you are adding a beautiful feature like Tiffany lamp in your home decor you need to make sure that the rest of the decor synchronise well with it. So, choose rich earthy hues for your room. Cream, brown and green go well with Tiffany lamp. If you are opting for pattern you need to use the patterns derived from nature, like lilies, dragonflies and peacock feathers.

Adding flowers in room is a good idea. To make it look complete choose white or rich colours again. If not original you can opt for fake flowers in your Melbourne home. They will give a fresh feel to the overall atmosphere of the decor.

The balance of artificial with natural can perk up decoration like nothing else. Natural grand decor with artificial or fake flower Melbourne can be complete with carved wood furniture. Clear varnish and round wood make the best decor for your home.

Adding Tiffany lamp Melbourne in home decor lets you add an old world charm to your personal space. Let your home reflect your choice of decor.

Sunday 27 March 2016

Want To Enjoy Gardening In A Smart Way? – Get Uniquely Designed Plant Pots

Do you have the passion for gardening? Are you unable to plant beautiful plants on the front yard of your house because of shortage of space? Then, it will certainly be wise for you to check out the pots and thereby fulfil your ultimate desire for gardening in the best possible way. Below are discussed some of the major advantages that you will be able to experience by growing plants in Garden pots Melbourne.

1.       Will be able to choose from wide variety

Pots n Pots offers a wide variety of pots to make sure that you are able to choose a specific one according to your needs. Some of the types of Garden pots in Melbourne offered by this store are bonsai pots, clay pots, indoor pots, Tera cotta pots and many more.

2.       Pots are easily accessible

This is certainly one of the major advantages of using plant pots Melbourne. Planting beautiful plants on Garden pots of Melbourne will certainly be easily accessible by even the kids and elderly people of your house. 
3.       Enjoy great deal mobility

Glazed Pots Melbourne will certainly enable you to enjoy great deal of mobility because you can easily place the pots inside and even outside of your house in order to enjoy the nature in best possible way. Besides this, indoor gardening will also give a unique look to your house.

4.       Prevent spread of fungus

This is also one of the major benefits that you will be able to enjoy by using plant pots of Melbourne. For instance, if a specific plant gets affected by a disease then there is likely no such chance of fungus getting spread in various other plants of your garden. You can smartly treat the plant in its specific pot with recommended pest.

Besides this, if you have a busy schedule then Glazed Pots of Melbourne will certainly help you to fulfil your hobby of gardening in the best possible way. These pots will enable you to save lots of your valuable time and money in a smart way.

Saturday 13 February 2016

Get the Best of Glazed Pots Melbourne

Pots today are creating senses of beauty and extreme creativity blended with the necessity to decorate garden. Whether it is your own garden or you have been given the responsibility to decorate your office lawn or the garden area, buying things from huge store of garden pots of your choice is simply great. Those having no experience of spending money for adding values to garden areas may wonder seeing a lot of garden pots in use. People in Melbourne were always nature friendly and used to like more greenery than concrete. Also, while decorating garden, you may apply different techniques to make use of these pots in a creative way.

If you have ever come across Glazed Pots Melbourne by any chance, you must have known about it well. In case you are yet to explore the world of colourful glazed pots, a new world of sophistication for garden use awaits you. Present in many varieties and dazzled in look, colourful glazed garden pots Melbourne ignite the passion of creation within you. If you have a garden and are willing to decorate it at your free will, Pots n Pots is there to help you out with loads of varieties of garden pots.

While decorating garden and lawn areas, there may be deficit of natural plants because not all grow in all seasons. Artificial plants Melbourne, therefore, give you an ample scope to give your garden a wonderful look. It will look full as artificial plants look like the originals. Dahlia, Large Mums, Hydrangea, and Yucca are some beautiful artificial plants to name. Collection of Geranium and other artificial flowers look so real that even the birds may get attracted to them. These plants are so appealing that once you buy a few and place them in properly decorated glazed garden pots, they will bring more life to the serenity of the garden. 

Tuesday 25 August 2015

Create A More Attractive and Aesthetic Garden with Garden Pots In Melbourne

Every individual dreams to have a beautiful garden in front of their home. The cool thing regarding decorating a garden is there is no need to stick to any rules. A person may have in mind a grand planning for their garden or merely take pleasure in a nicely displayed range of collectibles. Today garden decoration is very much in demand. Thus if a homeowner wants to bring whimsy fun and colour into their garden the first and foremost thing that they can opt for is garden or plant pots in Melbourne.

The speciality of glazed pots

The right garden pot can help to create a more attractive and more aesthetic garden. Here going for glazed pots will be a wise decision. Glazed pots in Melbourne come in different colours, shapes and designs which allow accents and contrasts to be used in landscape and garden designs. As opposed to the earthen pots, those that are glazed offer a completely different look. Although the material utilized for manufacturing the pot is clay, yet the technique that is utilized is very different. Here the clay will be burned and then made into terracotta. After this it will be coloured in the same colour or in different shades and put to dry under a high temperature. It will not be an exaggeration to state that the ultimate appearance of such pots is likely to bring back memories of one’s art classes where they were told to make art pieces from chunks of clay followed by burning the same in the school’s kin. A similar technique is observed while manufacturing glazed pots which are solely used for gardening use.

Garden pots in Melbourne are quite popular. These are a wonderful means of letting a garden appear out from the rest. For those planning for something different can browse online stores that offer garden pots in a huge variety.

Monday 20 July 2015

Fake Flowers from Melbourne Can Enhance the Aesthetic Value of Your Home Interiors

The kind of lighting features that you use in your home will define the kind of style statement you are trying to make. Whether you want to get innovative with your lightings or bring in the elements of romance and subtle charisma that totally depends on you. Apart from that, there are many other varieties of fixtures to choose from.

How about getting a bit more creative with your fake flowers in Melbourne ideas?

Tiffany Lamps Melbourne has been in use since 1895. The best thing is that you can decorate your home interiors by both Tiffany Lamps as well as fake flowers. They add a sheer elegance to your home interiors.

With this new sense of ‘heart is where your home lies’, it is time display your personal style to inspire the designer in you by being a little more creative with your ideas of fake flowers.

 Now-a-days, table lamps of smaller size have been created with a lot of style in the shape of animals or fake flowers Melbourne. If you are looking for a lighting accessory to be kept on the table, then this is all that you need. Adding to it, decorating your room with fake or artificial flowers creates a sense of uniqueness and individuality since fake flowers lasts more than one day. These flowers will not only make your room look marvellous but also will also make you feel great. These are the two elements which will give your home a personality that will definitely stand apart from the rest of the houses in your neighbourhood. Complimenting it with other components will make such flowers absolutely real.

So, if you are pondering about how to give a touch of subtle creativity to your home interiors, then bring in the flower element into your design scheme. 

Saturday 20 June 2015

The Most Popularly Used Outdoor Water Features in Melbourne

Water features have turned into a prominent aspect especially in modern architecture. It is being largely incorporated in homes and offices in Melbourne and surprisingly these do not cost much. The modern water features in Melbourne are created from materials such as aluminium, stainless steel, marble, granite, glass and slate amid others. Unlike their early counterparts, majority of the water features are decorative instead of functional and no matter where these are placed, the dulcet, soothing and gentle sounds of the running water trickling down or moving over a surface is sure to offer people an oasis of tranquillity and calm.

Popular kinds of outdoor water features

Some of the most popular kinds of outdoor water features in Melbourne include,

    Basalt columns
Garden fountains
    • Copper tree fountains
    Vase fountain
    • Column fountain
    Bubbling rock fountain
    Retaining wall waterfalls
    Water gardens/ponds

Experience a magically calming effect

This is a world that is increasingly stressful. The sound of the flowing water from water features can offer a magically calming effect which will help people to unwind. Sounds of television, appliances, traffic sounds all take a tool on an individual’s nerves and at times without they realizing what actually is going on. It is here where the relaxing environment of a garden that is filled with the subtle colour and scents together with water elements can help. Meditations, yoga, reading or listening to soft music are activities that people can do adjacent their water features.

It is always nice in adding water features for giving a space an altogether different look. Today there is no dearth when it comes to choosing outdoor water features but it depends entirely on the homeowner’s available area, budget and personal taste. These are beneficial within the home as it can aid the surrounding area thrive that is necessary to create a peaceful and healthy place where people can relax.